Meet the
Team At Berry Bee Marketing

20+ years of revenue growth, digital marketing experience

Founders Story

In the bustling epicenter of the Southern California Digital Marketing stage, the paths of two extraordinary women converged, giving rise to a dynamic partnership with Berry Bee Digital Marketing Agency. A marketing virtuoso renowned for her groundbreaking strategies, and an ambitious influencer and entrepreneur with a vision for revolutionizing digital advertising, have joined forces to embark on an entrepreneurial journey that is leaving a lasting mark on the industry.

Berry Bee Marketing combines the forces of a seasoned entrepreneur and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) with an exceptional track record of spearheading Indie brand growth as well as billion-dollar companies, with an unparalleled knack for growth and innovation. Her sharp mind and wealth of expertise in devising award-winning (link to article on award here) digital social and influencer marketing strategy have propelled companies to triple-digit growth making her a sought-after marketing expert. She is a brilliant executive with 20+ years in Leadership, Brand Management, E-Commerce, and Digital Marketing with proven results in implementing transformative strategies, inspiring teams, and driving rapid growth transforming corporate strategy, brand growth, and data-driven omnichannel strategies. From the outset of her career, she has demonstrated an exceptional flair for entrepreneurship, having founded, scaled, and sold her own successful start-ups.

Our second female powerhouse is an influencer star, driven by her passion for technology and business and with a solid foundation in marketing and a vision to disrupt the digital advertising industry. She has quickly become a trailblazing influencer in body acceptance forming a vast network of influencer and brand relationships. She created successful working relationships that leverage the power of data and technology to transform how businesses engage with their audiences and grow their bottom line. Manon specializes in building online brand awareness and reputation. From best Social Media Management to Content Creation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Target Ad creation, Video Production, eCommerce, Influencer Marketing, and Digital Ads, she has a proven track record in building brands, new client generation, and influencer success.

The paths of these two powerhouse female entrepreneurs crossed in the vibrant hub of digital influencers, Los Angeles, where ideas collided, and dreams intermingled. It was here that they discovered a shared vision—a vision that involved blending marketing brilliance with technological ingenuity to pioneer a new era in digital advertising.

Curious to meet with our team and benefit from their expertise to build success for your company? Click below and we will be in touch within 24 hours.  

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